sabato 19 novembre 2016


Dell’autrice di HOW ITALIANS CREATED CANADA ( è uscita qualche mese fa una nuova raccolta di poesie intitolata “A JAR OF FIREFLIES”. Josie Di Sciascio-Andrews è originaria di Casoli in provincia di Chieti e vive in Canada dall’età di 13 anni. 

da Un momento with Josie Di Sciascio-Andrews di Domenico Capilongo


What part does your Italian heritage play in your poetry?
I believe that all of us are filters for the culture/s we have been imbued with throughout our lives. If we write from a place within ourselves, rather than extrinsically from borrowed lines from other poets’ texts, then our own experiences: of people, places and contexts lived, do come into play in our words. So yes, a computer ‘doc’ is succinct and razor boned language, but a ‘red accordion’ opens up a wide cultural contextual landscape. So perhaps, yes, my heritages, both Italian and Canadian do feature into my words. It’s unavoidable, unless one aggregates ideas only from the cerebral part of the brain.
L’intera intervista di Domenico Capilongo a JOSIE DI SCIASCIO la puoi leggere nel sito di ITALOCANADESE.COM

Trovi la biografia dettagliata sul sito dell’ONTARIO POETRY SOCIETY

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